http://tiny.cc/mrmix you will reach a fantastic book at Amazon, please feel free to buy it!
Do you see what I’ve done? I’ve changed the long 38 symbols...
to the short 20 symbols...
I can track how many people click the tiny link by going to the Tiny web site. (Click on the image to see it better)
Just to prove my point I did the same for bit.ly so try
Take a look at many others at this link
And now google offer one too see
Q. Why is this so good and why is it relevant to metrics?
A. Well there is no restriction on how many aliases I can create at for this one site or for others, and I can use the many other services too. That means I can use different URLS in different campaigns. If I am promoting my book on my business card I can use one, another as an email signature, another I can use in Blogs, another one on my TV ads and so on. This simple device allows me to see the effectiveness of these different modes. In metric-speak this is ATTRIBUTION. I can attribute actions to the initial web page that was served.
Do yourself a favour. Create 20 short URLs ready to use with different campaigns, but make sure that the service you choose allows you to track the visitor numbers.